Under the Baking Sun – Part VIII

Huh. I guess I gotta change my list.
– Andrew, April 27, 2024

We had a ToW Game Day! And it was awesome! And not only did we play Warhammer: The Old World, we played outside! Oh it was glorious. The only thing better than playing Warhammer is playing Warhammer outside. Yes we may have had some unpainted models on the table. Yes not everything was re-based for ToW. But none of that matters. The sun was hot and the drinks were cold. And trust me, the photo fails to capture the majesty of of the game.

My 1k of Tomb Kings allied with Coles’ Dwarfen Mountain Holds for a 2k 2v2 and we got absolutely destroyed by Carson’s Ogres and Dexter’s Orcs. In our defense it was our first game of ToW and we didn’t have a clue. But that being said, we still got tabled after six turns of play. But who cares? It was awesome. Pushing around square bases was joyous. Everyone walked away both impressed with ToW as a game and hyped to make changes to our army lists.

Speaking of list changes … Skeleton Cohorts are out! Skeleton Chariots are in! Turns out I fell into the classic Lothern Seaguard trap. A unit that is meant to be half shooting and half close combat is just bad at both. I’m going back to two units of Skeleton Archers and adding additional Chariots. The Chariots and the Ushabti were both MVPs and I’m going to double down on their success after one game.

Sprues & Glue

After the ToW Gameday I returned home with the Hobby Fire blazing. I wanted to do everything. Build every model. Try every list variation. Grand Host! Mortuary Cults! Build a list with nothing but Constructs! My mind was racing. Unfortunatly this resulted in a serious case of Hobby Wobble.

Paint Splatter

1 – 20mm with 25mm adapter. 2 – Basing material add to adapter. 3 – The re-basing!

So that’s the plan – finish the basing and then finish the Chariots. After that? Chariot crew and a Tomb King.

Progress Report towards Stillmania 2k

This Tomb Kings project is an exercise in nostalgia for me. Stillmania, the miniature wargaming doctrine developed by Games Workshop-legend Nigel Stillman, is all about the disciple of sticking to your North Star and never deviating.

So that is exactly what I’ve done. Below is my progress towards 2,000pts of Tomb Kings using the Stillmania ethos. I already own all the models, now the work starts.

Settra the Imperishable

Mortuary Priest
on Foot (Level 2) – Done
Mortuary Priest on Foot (Level 1) – Built
Tomb Prince in ChariotBuilt, Paining in progress

x10 Skeleton Archers Built, Painted, Re-basing in progress
x10 Skeleton Archers Built, Painting in progress
x20 Tomb Guard with full command, halberds and shields – Acquired
x3 Skelton Chariots with champion and standard – Built, Paining in progress
x6 Chariot CrewBuilt, Paining in progress
x3 Skelton Chariots with champion and standard – Acquired
x6 Chariot CrewAcquired

Tomb ScorpionBuilt, Painted, Re-basing in progress
Tomb ScorpionAcquired
x3 Ushabti Built, Primed
x3 Tomb Guard ChariotsAcquired
x6 Tomb Guard Chariot CrewAcquired
x5 Skeleton Horse ArchersAcquired
x5 Skeleton Horse ArchersAcquired

You can read all the updates on News from the Front!

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